2014-09-16 Windows server 2012 apm 설치 요청으로 apm 설치함.

1. Apm setup 설치시 80 포트 이미 사용중이라며 설치 불가

2. IIS 설치 안되어있음.

3. Netstat -ano 확인해보면 Pid 4 번에서 80 사용하고 있는데 시스템에서 사용하는 80 포트임. 무슨 이유로 사용하는지는 모르겠음.

구글링에서 아래 내용 찾음.


Just follow these steps to diagnose and resolve your issue:

  1. Get pid that is listening port 80: netstat -nao | find :80
  2. Open task manager, go to processes tab and check “PID” in Menu/View/Select Columns…, then look for the process using the PID found in last step.
  3. If it is a normal application or IIS, disable it or uninstall. Some programs (such as Skype) have the option to disable its use of port 80.
  4. If it is a System Process—PID 4—you need to disable the HTTP.sys driver which is started on demand by another service, such as Windows Remote Management or Print Spooler on Windows 7 or 2008.
    There is two ways to disable it but the first one is safer:
    • Go to device manager, select “show hidden devices” from menu/view, go to “Non-Plug and Play Driver”/HTTP, double click it to disable it (or set it to manual, some services depended on it).
    • Reboot and use netstat -nao | find :80 to check if 80 is still used.
    • Launch RegEdit.
    • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP
    • Change the value of "start" to 4, which means disabled.
    • Reboot your computer.

4. IIS 설치되어있지 않음으로 4번으로 해결함.


 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP 에서 start 값을 3 -> 4 변경함.

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Posted by pysany